Book Clubs

Book clubs are enjoying the use of Juggling Elephants. Here's a response from one book club leader:

Thank you so very much for your support of our Book Club!

We met this morning on the topic of Juggling Elephants and I can report that the book resonated with all 12 members of the team! The building principals and program directors found it to be an applicable and easy metaphor to follow and everyone reported at least one "Ah Ha!" moment! Additionally, two principals are now thinking about how they can use the text with their staff members and at the High School level they are considering using it with students in the future!

The discussion questions you suggested were great. However, I must admit that we only used about four of them ... the conversation just kept going on its own around those questions!

Let us know if your book club is using our book. We'll work with you to discover ways to make your experience with the book even more successful! E mail is

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